Welcome to ISACA Chicago Chapter Mentorship Program!

The mission of the ISACA Chicago Chapter Mentorship Program is to provide a platform for professionals within the ISACA Chicago Chapter to grow by connecting and guiding each other.

The program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships that connect mentees with leaders in the chapter to learn and develop. Mentors within the program inspire and support the professional development of ISACA Chicago members by providing guidance on career navigation, professional topics, soft skills development, and work-life integration. 

Mentoring helps all participants to expand networks, gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills. Interested in participating? Please email grow@chicago.isacachapter.org to request an invitation. (This program is only open to active members of the ISACA Chicago Chapter).

Why Become a Mentor?

  • DEVELOP feedback and thought leadership skills
  • GROW and refresh your local network
  • ADVANCE your industry contributions
  • GAIN leadership skills and fresh perspectives

Why Become a Mentee?

  • GROW professional networks
  • LEARN to navigate professional challenges
  • DEVELOP your leadership skills
  • EXPLORE opportunities and build your career path

One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. - John C. Maxwell

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